Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Consciousness in Action

THIS SLIDESHOW is a beautiful, moving presentation that shows the difference ONE person can make in this world with Positive, Passionate, and Persistent words and deeds. It highlights individuals who have made incredible contributions to humanity. This presentation is not about comparing yourself to what these people have done, it’s about realizing what YOU can do. You do not have to be Gandhi or Martin Luther King to make a difference in the world.

Often we feel overwhelmed and isolated and think, "I'm just one person; how can I make a real difference?" And sometimes it's easier to shut down because we're busy, and there's so much wrong in the world. But yoga teaches us to take action, to do service for the sake of service, to embody the world we want to live in. Yoga teaches us to say, "I know the world I want to live in can only come alive through me." That is why Gandhi said “Be the change you want to see in the world.” You become that change you want to see in the world by speaking clearly about you want to see in the world and letting go of talking poorly about people and situations.

You can make a difference in this world as a parent, a teacher, or using whatever God-given talents you are blessed with. We can all make an impact in the world when we become consciousness in action. So uncover your purpose by asking, "Who am I supposed to be in my life?" Try following the five steps below to realize your amazing ability to change the world:

1. Write down three words that describe who you are and what your loved ones admire about you. These qualities could be that you are spunky, smart, playful, funny, or grounded.

2. Write down your passions and talents. Maybe its cooking, teaching, or knitting.

3. Write down your ideal vision of the world: Maybe it’s “I envision a peaceful world” or “where everyone has health food to eat.”

4. Put it all together into a single statement: “I will use my intelligence, spunkiness, and humor, through cooking food for the people that I love, teaching, and making art, to create a world that is peaceful and has healthy food to eat.”

5. Place this statement someone you will see it every day. Maybe that’s on your mirror, your steering wheel or your nightstand.

We are all connected. Even Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi did not work alone. Find connection with other like-minded people. Don Beck is coming to Dallas in June to talk about Spiral Dynamics and identify opportunities to respond to human need in Dallas/Fort Worth. He will discuss how to:
- Recruit, train and motivate caring volunteers
- Unite with other organizations dedicated to serving the community
- Plan for success

You can also find community through the internet. For example, the Engage Network is a beautiful source of inspiration.


Ronda Jyoti Litwin, RYT
Find me on Facebook

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